11th European – Japanese Cerebrovascular Congress

11th European – Japanese Cerebrovascular Congress


June 27th - 29th, 2024

Pre-congress Event:

June 26th, 2024
Workshop on Neurophysiology:
Advanced applications in cerebrovascular surgery

This event has been accredited for the diploma of the Austrian Medical Chamber (DFP): 4 CME credit points.


Museum of Medical History
Medical University of Vienna
Waehringer Strasse 25
1090 Vienna, Austria



Topic overview:

Aneurysms, Moyamoya, Advanced Neuroimaging, Ischemic stroke, Arteriovenous Malformations, Dural AV-Fistulas, Cavernoma, Intracerebral hemorrhage, Future Aspects: AI, Robotics, Education and Simulation


This event has been accredited for the diploma of the Austrian Medical Chamber (DFP): 21 CME credit points.

(prices in €):

Specialist normal price: 590,-
Specialist reduced price (for EANS-members): 530,-
Resident normal price: 450,-
Resident reduced price (for EANS-members): 405,-

Networking Dinner (June 28th): 60,-

Satellite Pre-congress Event (June 26th): 150,-

Organizing Committee:

Gerhard Bavinzski
Vienna, Austria

Philippe Dodier
Vienna, Austria

Giuseppe Esposito
Zurich, Switzerland

Andreas Gruber
Linz, Austria

Yasuhiko Kaku
Gifu, Japan

Satoshi Kuroda
Toyama, Japan

Karl Rössler
Vienna, Austria

Luca Regli
Zurich, Switzerland

Michihiro Tanaka
Kameda, Japan

Tetsuya Tsukahara
Okamoto, Japan


Medical University of Vienna & University Hospital Zurich (USZ)

Contact organization:

Caroline Mehler, MA

convention.group GmbH
Donauwörther Straße 12
2380 Perchtoldsdorf
T: +43 1 869 21 23-32
F: +43 1 869 21 23-18